Sharing Files and Folders from OneDrive
Sharing Files and Folders
In today’s evolving threat landscape, we must we store and transmit confidential information securely and not use unencrypted email as a way to send this type of information. When Sharing folders and files from your OneDrive/SharePoint site you must keep the following in mind to ensure the data remains safe and secure.
You will find reference to “confidential information or sensitive data” this is defined more clearly in Data Classification Business Procedure (BP) 22.22
Available methods to Share
Anyone: Avoid this option. Gives access to anyone who receives this link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else, which includes people outside of your organization.
Using this option can potentially put the institution at risk. If users intentionally or inadvertently share confidential information or protected data, Anyone that receives or fraudulently generates the link will have access to that information – no authentication is required.
People in Your Organization: Use with Caution. Gives everyone in your organization including ALL students access to the link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else.
Only use this option when you intend to share information with all employees and with ALL students that do not contain confidential information or protected data.
People with Existing Access: This can be used by people who already have access to the document or folder. It does not change the permissions on the item. Use this if you just want to send a link to somebody who already has access.
Specific People: This should be your default option. Gives access only to the people you specify, although other people may already have access. If people forward the sharing invitation, only people who already have access to the item will be able to use the link.
Minimizes risk by restricting information to a specific person or group. Make sure the data you share is appropriate for the intended audience.
Select Permissions Based Upon the Audience’s Need to Know
DO NOT share files or folders using Anyone with this link. Using this option can potentially put the institution at risk. If users intentionally or inadvertently share confidential information or protected data, Anyone that receives or fraudulently generates the link will have access to that information – no authentication is required.
DO share files and folders by selecting Specific People.
Make sure the data you share is appropriate for the audience you choose. Read more about data classification for specifics.
Only select Allow Editing if users need the ability to edit the document or folder, otherwise leave box unchecked.
Enter Email Addresses
Add people by entering a valid email address or the name of an Outlook Contact Group you created previously.
Click Send when finished and an automated email notification will be sent to each user.
Change Existing Permissions
Only select Allow Editing if users need the ability to edit the document or folder.
From the file or folder in question, select the Shared link located in the last column.
The Manage Access pane will open on the right side of OneDrive.
Change Permissions of an Individual User
To change the permissions of an individual user, click the down arrow option next to the user’s name in the Manage Access pane under Direct Access, and choose from one of the following options:
Can Edit: Grants the user edit and delete privileges.
Can View: Grants the user view-only access.
Stop Sharing: Removes all privileges from the user.
Confirm your selection.
Stop Sharing with Users
From the file or folder in question, select the Shared link located in the last column.
The Manage Access pane will open on the right side of OneDrive.
Stop Sharing a File or Folder Entirely
Click Stop Sharing.
Delete a Share Link
Click the ellipsis (…) next to the link, and click the X.
Stop Sharing with Specific People
Expand the list under a specific people link and click the X to remove someone.
Stop Sharing with Someone That Has Direct Access
Under Direct Access, click the dropdown next to the person’s name and select Stop Sharing.
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