Service Desk Announcement

Service Desk Announcement

This document will explain how and when to use the announcement feature of Service desk and provide you with some default language that could be used. When creating the announcement you can be either allow it to be viewable by everyone or employees at selected locations.


  1. Login to Servicedesk (https://help.4cd.edu)

  2. Click on Announcement tab as shown below

  3. Click on “New Announcement”

  4. Complete the following fields as recommended below:

    1. Title - Type in the very short summary of the announcement like “Colleague problem” or “Shared Drive access” or “Email Distribution list issue”, etc.

    2. Description: enter the description of the issue see below for sample wording

    3. Scheduled: Enter date and Time of when the issue started

    4. To: Enter date and Time of when the issue was resolved (if it has not been resolved leave it blank)

    5. Announcement Type: Choose the appropriate type

    6. Email users: If you are District IT staff member, please include Satish Daniel and Kat in this field

    7. Accessibility: Please choose one of the three options:

      1. Private - When the issue has been resolved and you do not want to show the announcement to end user. This will only be displayed to ALL IT Staff that have a “technician” role within ServiceDesk

      2. Public - The announcement will be shown to all Employee districtwide

      3. Shared - If you want this announcement to be shown only to employees in particular location (college specific announcements)


Once the event that created the announcement is over please mark the announcement as “Private” Do NOT delete it. Marking them private allows us to maintain a history of events.


Sample Description:

  • We are currently experiencing a problem with the Colleague system.  We are working to determine the cause of the problem and will provide an update here when more information is available

  • We are currently experiencing a problem with Wi-Fi in building xyz   We are working to determine the cause of the problem and will provide an update here when more information is available.

Contra Costa Community College District