Add/Remove 4CD email on iPhone/iPad

Add/Remove 4CD email on iPhone/iPad

Follow the steps outlined below to add District email to your Mail app (app that comes with device) on iPhone/iPad, if you are already using the Mail app already you will have to remove the email and add it back in after the changes to SSO happen on March 21st.


To Add 4CD email

  1. Open Settings

  2. Click on Mail

  3. Click on Add account

  4. Click on Microsoft Exchange

  5. In Email, type in your full email address example: jjone123@email.4cd.edu

  6. Enter a description so you know this is 4CD email

  7. Click on “Sign in

  8. Click on “Work or School Account

  9. Enter your password

  10. Decide on what you want (mail, contacts, calendar, reminders, notes) to sync with your device

  11. Click on Save


To remove 4CD email follow the steps below:

  1. Open Settings

  2. Click Mail

  3. Click on Accounts

  4. Find and click on the Email entry for 4CD email

  5. Click on Delete Account


Contra Costa Community College District