Report Phishing email using Phish Alert

Report Phishing email using Phish Alert

If you suspect a email you received is a phishing attempt, please use the Phish Alert button found in Outlook, this will automatically send the email for an automated scan, results of which will be send back to you. If email is found to be a threat the system will automatically alert District IT personnel and we can eliminate the threat from inbox of all the recipient.

District IT will be conducting a simulated phishing email test monthly and if you spot these you can report them using the Phish Alert button.

Phish Alert can be found in one of two places depending on version of outlook you are using, :

  1. On the Outlook ribbon as shown below

  2. image-20240626-145920.png

  1. Another place it could be is

    1. Open an email

    2. Click on the 3 dot (…) located on the right of the Reply and Forward options

    3. then you should see the Phish Alert as an option in the dropdown menu as show below

Contra Costa Community College District